Friday, January 22, 2010

January 17, 2010 Recap

I’m in a pretty good mood, so I’m going to pass on putting TJ Sell on the Lady Bug List all by himself this week. This is pretty damn kind of me considering that his wife spent the entire night spanking that little sissy’s ass by 40 some pins. Now had Dave Miller not beaten his wife by one measly pin, I could have given Sell some company on the list, but I just don’t have the heart to single a guy out like that.

I wonder if Jane ever gets tired of this.

Not much went on last week, aside from Tom Rudibaugh celebrating his 90th birthday, making him the oldest current My Bowling Leaguer. Unfortunately, no one was aware that Regan McKinley also celebrated her birthday that night. The reason why no one knew is because Jane Jetson bought one of those big ass chocolate cakes from Costco, and passed it around to everyone.

Liz Rudibaugh showing Tom which direction to blow.

Ryan McKinley on the other hand, didn’t do dick for his wife. Now mind you, the guy hasn’t been married a year yet, and he’s already forgetting important shit. If this boy doesn’t see the light quickly, then I’m giving those nuptials two years tops, and I’m being generous.

Hey Ryan, just so you know, no one has ever gotten laid while in the dog house. Wise up pal!

Linda Carney edged out Edie Mellen for the honor of being this week’s King. Ironically, she did it by being 16 pins over average, and while drinking 16 Miller Lites; which I should point out, is only 2 beers over her average. Needless to say, Dee Dee Bondra will have to relinquish the sausage for the time being.

It looks like Linda “Martina” Carney may be back on the steroids.

Once again, Bill Weil is this week’s Queen. There wasn’t one guy even close to being as piss poor as Bill last week. In his defense, this week’s 18 pins under average wasn’t nearly as bad as his previous weeks 38 pin under average. Who knows, maybe Bill is slowly morphing into a guy.

Perhaps Bill Weil is beginning to make the transition back to manhood, but clearly, he’s not there yet.

I may be over looking a few things, but I’m sure I’ll be able to catch up next week.

Affectionately Yours,

Marty Lynch
The King Pin

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