Monday, December 14, 2009

Celebrity Look a Likes Phase 2

Once I got past the Richuisa-Ripkin thing, my mind had to churn pretty hard to find my next possible pair of look-a-likes. I methodically went through every person on every team, over and over, yet no one jumped out at me. However, each time I thought about Bill Davis, the hapless insurance sales schmuck from the perennial bottom-feeding team “Blew Balls,” something pulled at me. Bill reminded me of someone, but I just couldn’t place it. This went on for days, then last Friday morning, I got up and was watching that Matt Lauer show and BOOM, wham, bam, thank you ma’am, it hit me. I was right; these two were dead ringers!

Bill Davis and his brother from another mother Al Roker

My jubilance faded quickly when I realized what I’m sure is obvious to all of you. I couldn’t use these two as my Hollywood celebrity look –a-likes because, as everyone knows, Al Roker is from New York, not Hollywood. It probably wouldn’t have mattered anyhow; Bill would never have been able to pull it off because he doesn’t know shit about doing the weather. Come to think of it, I’m not too sure Bill knows shit about insurance either. This Rhodes Scholar has been telling all of his customers not to renew their health insurance policy’s because Obama is going to give everyone health care coverage. I don’t have the heart to tell Billy Boy that he’ll be out of a job as soon as that happens. The good news for Davis is that not only will McDonald’s give him a free hat, but he’ll also get a complimentary Happy Meal at the end of his shift. Not to mention that his sales pitch will be much easier; I mean how tough is it to say, “you want fries with that?”

Anyhow, though devastated, I nonetheless realized that my search must continue, but first, I thought I should work on this weeks bowling recap blog. However, when I got to the part about the Lady Bugs, I saw a familiar name, Jim Klingman. Like Richuisa and Davis, Jim is a tad hairless. So I thought, what bald person does he look like? Mr. Clean, no Klingman could never be described as well kempt. Sinead O’Conner, no Klingman could never be described as thin. Bruce Willis, no Klingman could never be described as cool. I had to start focusing on bald guys who were bad dressers, were slightly to grossly overweight, and had trouble carrying on a conversation beyond the 6th grade level. My Google search with those parameters instantly came back with just two people; Jim Klingman, and Joe the Plumber.

Joe the Plumber's 15 minutes of fame are over
Jim Klingmans Lady Bug fame may go on forever

Yet here we are again, no Hollywood connection whatsoever, in fact both of these guys were born and raised in the great Buckeye state. That got me to thinking; have two Ohioan’s have ever starred in the same movie? I don’t think so, but if these two did star in a movie together, I wonder if they would call it Dumb and Plumber.

Obviously I’ve gotten a little side-tracked; it’s time to get to work on the bowling blog. You’ll be getting your reminder email soon telling you that we bowl this Sunday.

My search will continue,

Marty Lynch
The King Pin

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